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We Install and Service Wall Heaters in the Central Valley

Wall heaters are a relatively low-cost option for those who need heat, but don’t want to invest in a central or underfloor heating system. While wall heaters offer an excellent solution for supplementing a centralized system or warming a small room, it’s essential to work with a qualified company who understands these compact units. Wall heaters can be gas or electric, and they each come with precautions and installation needs that are best handled by a professional. At Air Tech Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co. in the Central Valley of California, our trained and certified technicians know how to install, repair, and maintain wall heaters. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your wall heater, air conditioner, or furnace. We offer a wide range of HVAC services for residential and commercial customers.

A Technician Repairing a Heater in Central Valley, CA

What Is a Wall Heater?

Wall heaters, also called wall furnaces, are dedicated heating units that are mounted in or on a wall. They create warmth either through electricity or gas, and then blow warm air into the area. Wall heaters don’t require ducts and are stand-alone systems that only affect the room in which they’re installed. Because wall heaters don’t require extensive retrofitting or duct work, they’re often a more affordable choice over centralized systems.

Wall Heaters Installation in Central Valley, CA

Benefits of Wall Heaters

Wall-mounted heaters are particularly effective in small spaces, since they don’t take up any floor space. They work quickly, can effectively supplement a central unit, and are relatively easy to install and maintain. Since wall heaters aren’t that large, they can be installed in a variety of places. Wall-mounted electric heaters offer reliable heat that doesn’t emit fumes or require special ventilation, as gas wall heaters do. Electric wall heaters are generally more energy-efficient than gas wall heaters.

Air Tech Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co. can help you pick the best electric wall heaters or gas wall heaters, and our team of trained and certified technicians can make sure your unit is installed and maintained properly.

Our Wall Heater Services


Trained technicians should install your wall heater. Gas wall heaters definitely require a professional because of the dangers that come with using natural gas. Electric wall heaters still require a professional to ensure the wiring and installation is correct. Our team has received extensive training, so they are familiar with every aspect of wall heater installation.


While wall heaters are very reliable and long-lived, they may occasionally need repairs. At Air Tech Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co., we can handle any type of problem with your wall heater.


If your wall heater needs replacement, we can assist you in picking a new unit. We work with all common and leading brands, and our team can help our team you select the heater that best meets your needs.


Regular maintenance is key to preventing breakdowns and poor performance. We offer maintenance contracts that provide a once-per-quarter inspection on your wall heater to spot any issues before they become problems.

Contact Us Today for Wall Heater Service

If you’re a resident of the Central Valley in California, a wall heater may be the perfect solution for your home or business. We’ve been in business for more than 30 years, and we can help you with wall heaters, air conditioners, heat pumps, and other HVAC needs. Contact us today for more information, or to schedule an appointment.

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