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Let Air Tech HVAC Handle Your Commercial AC Maintenance

When an HVAC unit in a commercial property starts acting up, it can pose significant issues for a business, especially if it relies on foot traffic from customers to survive. Air Tech HVAC provides prompt and dependable HVAC maintenance for commercial buildings that will keep your employees and customers comfortable and happy. In our part of the country, it’s typical to see temperatures above 70 degrees nine months out of the year so having reliable air conditioning is essential to summer comfort. For the other three months, it’s critical to ensure your heat will be ready when you call for it. Contact our licensed and insured team for service today.

Common Signs You Need HVAC Repair

Sometimes it’s easy to spot a problem with your air conditioning, such as when it won’t turn on. However, these systems may still run even when they’re experiencing other less noticeable problems but can lead to wasted energy, higher energy bills, and strain on the unit, causing costly repairs.

It’s a good idea to have a commercial HVAC checklist to periodically look for any of the common signs your air conditioning or heating equipment might need repair, such as:

  • An unexplained increase in energy bills
  • Little or no airflow coming from the vents
  • Warm air from the vents when the AC is on
  • Loud or odd noises coming from the AC or heater
  • Water or condensation building up around the base of the air conditioner
  • High humidity when the AC unit is on

What’s Included on the HVAC Maintenance Checklist?

If you need air conditioning repair because you know there’s a problem with your HVAC system, our team will provide repairs to get your equipment back in working order as quickly as possible. If you don’t have a specific problem but are calling for annual preventative maintenance, we run through a thorough commercial HVAC checklist to check the system’s key components and features. The best time to do this for the air conditioner is just before the temperatures start to rise in the spring and have the heater checked right before winter. This practice provides the greatest peace of mind for avoiding emergency repairs heading into each season. Our checklist includes inspecting the following parts with repairs as necessary:

  • Filters
  • Outdoor parts of the unit
  • Fans and motor
  • Condensate drains
  • Electrical connections
  • Thermostat
  • We perform a complete test run of the system
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Specialists in Central Valley, CA

What Determines Commercial HVAC Prices?

As a business owner, we understand that all expenditures affect your bottom line, so any service costs can raise concern. Our family-owned and operated business strive to keep our services affordable. Our goal is to repair any parts of your HVAC system with high-quality components that last, so you’re not calling to have the same problem fixed multiple times. Prices for our services are determined by a few various factors, including:

  • The type of HVAC unit in the building
  • Costs for any parts that need to be replaced
  • The extent of the repairs
  • The time involved to fix the issue

Why Choose Air Tech HVAC for Maintenance?

We’re a family-owned local business that’s been providing reliable and honest services since 1993. Our company is licensed, bonded, and insured for our customers’ protection, and we stand behind all of our installation and repair labor. We work hard to provide complete customer satisfaction and have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau as a result. San Joaquin businesses and residents awarded our HVAC services with the “Best of 2020” award, and we’re actively involved in the local community. Our commercial clients include many small local businesses and large national companies. No matter what sized business you are in, we treat everyone with the respect they deserve.

Save Money with an HVAC Maintenance Contract

One of the best ways to save money and avoid costly HVAC repairs is by enrolling in our annual maintenance contract. This program includes quarterly inspections of the equipment to ensure proper working conditions while looking for any signs of wear on parts. The opportunity to replace a piece of the unit before it fails saves you the frustration of having to place a service call. It also extends the life of the equipment without putting it through extra strain. Our routine inspections include checking vital components such as belts, fans, control settings, motors, filters, and more.

Contact Us for Commercial HVAC Maintenance Today

Whether you need us to run through our HVAC preventive maintenance checklist or you want to enroll in our annual maintenance program, contact the team at Air Tech HVAC today. We’ve been serving the Central Valley, CA area with affordable commercial HVAC maintenance for nearly 30 years. We have the experience and knowledge to keep your equipment running reliably year-round. Give our trusted team a call today.

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